Lean Solutions, LLC.

... a consulting services company

Our Company

From Brian Barker, Lean Solutions Founder ...

We founded Lean Solutions, LLC to bring together people with solutions. We've gathered a group of professionals that can take on the task of helping any company become more lean.

IT, Operations, Sales, Customer Service, Human Resource and Accounting systems have been my staple diet for my entire career.   Through the years I've been privileged to work with some outstanding individuals and exceptional leaders.   The lessons learned over these years have taught me that if you put people first and ask them for their help, you will achieve amazing results.   As an IT professional I've worked closely with the business and the IT guys in the back to make management's visions a reality.   This work has allowed deep insight to the challenges and opportunities that business face.

I've had the benefits of working in small privately held firms where you wore many hats and I've worked with national, multi-billion dollar companies with complex infrastructure and siloed departments.   There are advantages to both and always a way to learn and grow.

In today's business climate especially with all of the challenges brought on by COVID-19, companies need to focus their resources on actual solutions and that's what we do best.

I am committed to delivering best-of-breed solutions on time and of real value.   I'm not happy until you are happy and I will go out of my way to make sure you are a satisfied customer.