Lean Solutions, LLC.

a consulting services company

Consulting Services

Lean Solutions provides management consulting services with a focus on Lean manufacturing.   Our solutions are tailored to your business and backed up with a long track record of performance.

We will meet with you and your team to create solutions for your business.   Experience teaches us that the people that do the work are the most knowledgeable.   Our approach is to engage the direct labor force along with supervisors and manager to foster the buy-in that is reqired for any meaningful business process changes.

We minimize travel time and expense by utilizing Microsoft Teams to collaborate remotely with your staff whenever possible.   When the situation calls for it, we will meet your team on-site at the place where the value is created.

    Some of the areas where Lean Solutions, LLC can help your business:

  • Technology Rollouts
  • Cost Reduction Projects
  • Urgent Operational Issues
  • Data Capture
  • Software Implemenations
  • Software Development
  • Automation
  • Reduce Errors
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Networking and Infrastructure
  • Website Development